Creating a brilliant academic paper often appears to be difficult. Moreover, there are certain types of essays that require even more time and effort. These ones will make your head-dizzying when choosing the topics, picking up a perfect structure, and dropping facts in the most effective way. An extended essay takes the leading position among the most challenging assignments you can get during your studies. Fortunately, we are ready to give you a helping hand with learning the basics of this type of academic papers, as well as provide you with various extended definition essay examples. So, get ready to dive into the world of rules for writing essays and get the highest scores with our handy hints.
What is an extended essay? The basics you need to know
To create a successful academic paper, it is necessary to understand its basic concepts and goals. So, what is an extended essay? This is one of the most popular types of papers designed for students enrolled in the IB program. This type of paper involves implementing superior research and analysis skills. Moreover, it is vital to pick up a proper structure of the paper when writing a solid extended essay. As a rule, you are expected to create a 4,000 words paper that will be completely unique, correct, and readable. Looks complicated? With our tips, your job is likely to be done two times easier.
Extended essay format: How to write your paper?
When it comes to writing your academic paper, you will definitely find lots of extended essay examples online beforehand. However, all of them are totally different and might make you feel confused with diverse formatting and style. What is the best way to write your paper?
- Make your academic paper as precise as possible. Avoid messing around, as well as using too wordy sentences and paragraphs.
- Use various sources. The higher the number of sources used in your extended essay, the better. This will help you get a better vision of the chosen topic.
- Mention the importance of the topic. When making the research and exploring extended definition essay examples, don’t forget to write that your particular topic is significant.
- Make it logical. Being consistent and argumentative is vital for creating a brilliant academic paper. Your essays should be readable and understandable, while your extended essay format shouldn’t contain any serious issues.
- Understand your topic. There should be no doubtful moments or unclear facts when creating your academic paper. In case you can’t cope with the chosen field, it is better to look for another option among the other extended essay topics.
- Avoid using passive voice. It is better to grab the readers’ attention with striking arguments and valuable facts.
- Proofread. Reviewing the essay is a must for even the most diligent students. It will help you avoid tons of misprints and mistakes.
How to write an extended essay outline?
When creating an outstanding extended essay, it is also necessary to pay extra attention to the outline. There are thousands of great extended essay topics, but all of them will fail with a weak outline. Here are a few methods on how you can craft a perfect one with minimum efforts.
The most popular way to create a sharp outline is to use a post-it note method of writing. The main idea is to make a summary of each of your paragraphs and then write its main idea in a single line.
Another effective way of creating an effective outline is to split the paragraphs into several parts. For example, you can determine the main idea, the explanation, and the examples in each paragraph. After that, you will get a clear picture of how your essay will look like and will be able to rearrange and edit sections with no need to rewrite the entire document.
How to make an introduction to your extended essay unforgettable?
When analyzing various extended essay examples, you will definitely notice that all the introductions have lots of things in common. First of all, they describe what the readers should expect from a particular extended essay. The second thing you will find at the beginning of most academic papers of this kind is the author’s writing goal. In most cases, there are also the grasp of the argument and a few sentences about the main sources used for creating an essay. To put it short, you will need to provide the readers with the direction of your academic paper and make some hints on what you are going to write about.
Note: Many students write an introduction after they finished creating their main part and the conclusion. No worries if you can’t craft your introduction right from the start - you can do it later.
Extended essay format: Creating an excellent main part
There is nothing new that writing a solid and well-turned extended essay requires creating a brilliantly polished main part. Here, you will need to describe all facts and arguments, as well as develop your topic. Focus on the main idea and include a single argument in each of your paragraphs. You can also freely make quotes in your extended essay.
The most effective way to create a conclusion
In this part of your academic paper, you will need to summarize all the facts you’ve described in the main part of your paper. In most cases, students find it the easiest part of creating an extended essay. You can come up with the results of your study, write down the achievements, and provide the readers with the final message. If you are skilled enough to represent a classy conclusion, you will surely get a higher grade for your assignment.
It is necessary to make your conclusion neat and brief. No new facts are allowed, as well as all the questions need to be answered before you reach a conclusion. Furthermore, your final part of the academic paper should have tight connections with your introduction. As you can see, the rules for writing the final part are similar for most types of essays.
Extended essay topics: tips to choose the best one for your needs
What is an extended essay? It is one of the most tricky types of essays when it comes to choosing the topic. To succeed in creating this type of academic paper, it is vital to pick up the best possible topic. The most important thing here is to choose the broad term for your essay. This way, you will be able to cover it from different sides and describe various approaches to the same subject. Play with different opinions, support the chosen definitions, and come up with a versatile paper. These are the most popular niches to choose the best extended essay topics:
- History, Governance
- Abstract terms
- Disputed issues
- Society
- Religion
Extended essay examples: the easiest subjects to write about
Students have different preferences and might be good at various subjects. Someone can easily write on political issues, while others might find this topic completely failing. However, we’ve collected the number of the best examples of universal topics that are affordable for most young learners. Click here and get more topics about races and racism
- How to become a good team player?
- What features are important for a leader?
- Ambitions: why do people need this feature?
- The future of business
- Smart predictions for e-commerce platforms
- The future of electronic devices
- The reasons why racism should be stopped globally
- The female leaders and their role in global politics
- Best ways to improve the corporate culture
- The advantages of the healthy way of life
- The prime factors to get a good job
- The issues of learning foreign languages
- Top skills for a well-educated person
- The parameters for achieving personal success
- The necessity of having a college degree in a modern world
- Top conditions for establishing democracy
- Finding a balance between a family and a career
- Importance of Internet security measures
- The consequences of terrorism
- The benefits of cultural exchange
- Most common reasons for immigration
- The rules for the safe traveling
- The reasons for and consequences of the global food crisis
- How climate changes affect the daily lives of people
- The most common reasons for poverty
- Pessimism and optimism as the basic character models for people
- The role of teachers in our lives
- The problem of the dependency in the modern world
In case you still don’t like the topics above, feel free to choose any from hundreds of other extended essay examples or come up with your own creative idea.